Theory in Reflective Practice Assignments (30% of course grade)

Much of what we will do together involves applying theories to issues we observe, including various situations in which we make knowledge through writing. Thus, I will assign a handful of short assignments through the semester to help ground you in the theories we read and put them to work in your own thinking. Some TIRPs will be individual, asking you to build a vocabulary of key concepts, analyze a particular controversy, create a map of critical perspectives on writing, or reflect on your own identity as a writer. Some of them will be collaborative, and others will result in your posting to the course blog. These assignments are vital ways of learning new material. Your
best preparation is to be
thoughtful with how you read outside of class and
thorough in how you complete the assignment: annotate or highlight where passages don't make sense, look up unfamiliar terms in a reputable dictionary, and take note where you see interesting relationships emerge between texts. At
no time are you being evaluated on whether or not you like something we read, whether you understand instantly, or whether you stand to the right or the left of an issue. You are being evaluated on how
clearly and thoughtfully you communicate your ideas about the complexities of what we read.
TIRP #1: Analysis of Major Perspectives - due in class on
W 9/2/15
TIRP #2: Writing Self Analysis - due on this course blog by
5:00 p.m. on
W 9/9/15
TIRP #3: Key Concept Analysis - due to Canvas by
5:00 p.m. on
F 9/25/15
TIRP #4: Equity Analysis - due in class on
W 10/14/15 with blog responses due by
5:00 p.m. on
F 10/16/15
TIRP #5: Multimodal Composing (group) with Analysis (individual) - group task due in class on
W 10/28/15; individual analysis due on this course blog by
5:00 p.m. on
F 10/30/15
TIRP #6: Current Issue Review - due to Canvas by
5:00 p.m. on
F 11/13/15
TIRP #7: Writing Self Analysis (II) - due on this course blog by
5:00 p.m. on
F 11/20/15