Next week's readings are accessible in our Canvas Course Library (CL) so please "accept" the invitation you received as soon as you are able. If you have not yet received an invitation via e-mail, please let me know ASAP!
You'll see that I have included a brief introduction at the beginning of Plato's Phaedrus, for those who are unfamiliar with the context of his dialogue. Feel free to skim that.
One reading is available via weblink: the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) Animate series lecture on "Changing Paradigms." (I do apologize for mis-titling it as "Education" on our syllabus).
As you have probably noticed, TIRP Assignment #1 is posted.
Here are some guiding questions for our discussion next week--questions that often accompany "origin" stories of writing, and questions you'll likely see reflected in the readings:
- What is writing and where does it begin?
- Who owns it, and how should it be taught and learned (in light of its evolving nature and context)?
- What can be taught, and who can learn it?
- Whom does it serve?
Feel free to write those in on your syllabus; I'll offer some inclusive topics and key terms when we meet on Wednesday.
Many thanks,
-Prof. Graban